Friday 22 April 2011

My Garden

You know the garden I frequently mention?

Well, it is real and here are some photos to prove it.

Self seeded pansys :)

A white dicentra growing over my camomile herd. I think it looks like some strange alien brontosaurus.

A lewisia which survives against all odds every year

My baby ginko tree :)

Part of my strawberry field 

I gave away most of my fruit bushes because I would like to move house sometime in the next 10 months. Here we have (left to right) Tayberry, Gooseberry, Boysenberry, Sunberry and anomous currant.

Gorgeous scented hardy white lillies glad to see them poking up again this year

My first blueberry bushes are flowering merrily :)

My nettle bed of shame :( Need to sort this one out soonish really.

More Dicentra, I love bleeding hearts lol

And so there you are folks, a snippet of my garden. I looks much prettier once everything starts flowering and I know the frosts are over so I put some summer bedding in and stuff :)

Catch you laters



  1. Bleeding hearts are one of my most fave plants, my mum used to pick the flower and open them out - hold the upside down so the white is at the top and say that they're ladies in a bath! Try is you'll know what I mean!

    V x

  2. I love them :) I know the bathing lady trick tee hee.

    One day when I own a large garden I want to have a big clump of different dicentras interspersed with lacy foliage :)
